We need your help to push things forward! Please consider reaching out to those who can provide answers or potentially expedite the process:
Janice Szymanski [jmszymanski@fcps.edu], Chief of Facilities Services and Capital Programs for FCPS
Robyn Lady [ralady1@fcps.edu], Dranesville District Representative on the School Board
Jimmy Bierman [dranesville@fairfaxcounty.gov], Dranesville District Supervisor
Your support can make a difference in getting this project moving!
Sept 9 -- brown
Sept 10 -- red
Sept 11 -- yellow
Sept 12 -- blue
Sept 13 -- green
Sept 16 -- purple
Sept 17 -- red, white, and blue
Sept 18 -- black & white
Sept 19 -- orange
Sept 20 -- pink and gray
Sept 23 -- wear your favorite color!
814 Ferndale Ave